Recommended and prescribed by the best and most experienced LASIK and cataract eye care specialists.

An effortless, premium, and convenient approach to optimizing your monovision.
Our 21st Year of Excellence
If you've undergone LASIK, other laser vision correction, or cataract surgery and have monovision, spare-specs offer a tailored solution to enhance your vision post-surgery.
spare-specs cater to the unique needs of monovision patients, providing:
- Clear lenses with distance prescriptions for night driving
- Sunglasses with distance prescriptions for daytime use
- Monovision clear and sun readers for extended reading sessions or intricate print
- Custom prescriptions for minor variations in monovision prescriptions due to myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism
- Binocular reading glasses with matching prescriptions in both lenses, for individuals who haven’t had refractive surgery or have both eyes corrected for distance vision
spare-specs are also an option for those seeking improved distance and reading vision before undergoing LASIK enhancement.
spare-specs represent an effortless, premium, and convenient approach to optimizing monovision for those moments when peak binocular vision is essential.
As an authorized online retailer, we also provide genuine specialty brand frames from our eyewear partners.