Frequently Asked Questions and Answers


Monovision is a situation in which one eye sees clearly at distance, and the other eye is nearsighted, which preserves reading vision in patients over 40. Monovision is an excellent choice for LASIK and cataract surgery patients because it provides good vision at distance and near and freedom from total reliance on either distance or reading glasses. 

Laser vision correction by LASIK, LASEK, CK, or PRK, and cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation are the common procedures in which monovision can be the intended result. 

When a patient has one eye for distance and one eye for near, they may notice their vision is not as sharp at certain times or in certain situations as it would be if both eyes were working together. Monovision patients frequently notice distance blur or light scattering from the reading eye under conditions requiring the best distance vision, such as driving at night or driving in the rain. They may also notice a slight reduction in depth perception during sport activities such as golf or tennis. Finally some patients they may notice difficulty with prolonged reading or with very fine visual tasks such as needlepoint and sewing. 

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Yes, spare-specs can be prescribed which make both eyes clearer in the intermediate zone, particularly for prolonged computer work. Your eye care professional can provide the appropriate prescription. 

No, new monovision patients typically take up to 90 days to fully adapt to using one eye for distance and one eye for near. spare-specs will function to improve vision during the adaptation phase, as well as afterwards, because two eyes working together will always be better than each eye alone. 


spare-specs are single vision (non bifocal) glasses designed specifically for monovision patients, pre-manufactured in monovision prescriptions for patients who would like a simple solution to improve their vision.

spare-specs distance are available in clear distance prescriptions for night driving and spare-specs sun in sunglass distance prescriptions for daylight to improve distance vision and depth perception. spare-specs readers are available to improve reading vision for prolonged reading or for very fine visual tasks. 

Consult your eye care professional or your spare-specs prescription referral card to select the correct spare-specs prescription from our order form. spare-specs are manufactured to correct nearly all of the monovision results following LASIK and other corrective eye surgery. 

The appropriate spare-specs readers prescription is the opposite of the your spare-specs distance prescription (except for -1.00 prescriptions, see below)

Example: if your spare-specs distance prescription is OD Plano | OS –2.00, then your spare-specs readers prescription is OD +2.00 | OS Plano

And: if your spare-specs distance prescription is OD –1.50 | OS Plano, then your spare-specs readers prescription is OD Plano | OS +1.50. 

OD = right eye, OS = left eye, Plano = plain lens or zero prescription.  The OD (right eye) is always written first in a prescription. The OS (left eye) is written second. 

If your prescription is not listed, your Doctor has written your prescription in a .25 diopter increment, or your prescription may have astigmatism correction (written with a cylinder and axis). spare-specs custom can be manufactured in any prescription your Doctor has provided. Please see custom prescriptions

No, spare-specs distance clear and sun correct the reading eye for distance, thereby making the distance vision better, and reversing the monovision. For better reading vision, spare-specs readers correct the distance eye for reading, allowing you to read better up close. 

No, spare-specs will not increase your dependence on glasses again if you have successful monovision. They are intended to fine-tune your vision during times when the best binocular vision is necessary. 

No, new monovision patients typically take up to 90 days to fully adapt to using one eye for distance and one eye for near. spare-specs will function to improve vision during the adaptation phase, as well as afterwards, because two eyes working together will always be better than each eye alone. 

No, spare-specs are not intended for, and cannot correct medical problems of the eye, which may occur after eye surgery and which can cause poor vision, halo, glare, or starburst. spare-specs are intended for patients with monovision who are happy with their results but who may want additional fine-tuning of their vision for certain activities or under certain conditions. 

Yes, spare-specs are ideal for this situation, with prescriptions specifically designed for this purpose. Consult your Doctor to select the correct prescription. 

Laser vision correction of farsightedness by LASIK or CK can cause temporary nearsightedness and distance blur lasting a few days or a few weeks. spare-specs has affordable, quality prescriptions to improve distance vision in these situations until the nearsightedness resolves. 

Yes, spare-specs can work over your contacts to correct the near eye for distance, or the distance eye for near. 

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